Sourcing and Quality

Surely you have already learned that in China one can purchase products of excellent quality at low prices. But in order to do any successful sourcing in China, one has to overcome numerous linguistic, organizational and cultural barriers.

With an extensive supplier database and professional organized presences in the most important regions of China, Cisema can assist you with this task. Large corporations as well as medium-sized businesses have been using our services successfully for already ten years for their purchases in China.

Our staff members possess many years of experience in various industries, especially focusing on the automotive, agriculture, construction and medical technology industries. However, in the area of sourcing we can cover nearly the complete range of functional as well as decorative products for you. The suppliers selected by us are able to manufacture both standard parts according to DIN, ISO or other European standards as well as also specific parts according to customer specifications or drawings. These may be either larger custom made products or also serial parts.

Even when considering transportation costs in the range of approximately 10 % of the product costs the advantages of the purchase are very attractive. Furthermore, the costs for the development and the manufacture of tools are much more favorable, compared with European standards. However, one has to calculate with delivery times of 6 weeks from the start of production when purchasing in China. This does not exclude Just-In-time deliveries, which can be executed in time with appropriate logistical planning.

Overview of the most important advantages when sourcing with the help of Cisema

  • Knowledge of the market: The strengths of our staff members are on the one hand an exact knowledge of China’s geographic and economic structure and on the other hand their personal contacts to suppliers, industry experts and decision makers in the companies, as well as to associations and governmental institutions. Thus, attractive purchasing opportunities are arising for our European customers. Thanks to a well-maintained supplier database we can find suitable business partners quickly and accurately.
  • Cost advantage: Compared with European manufacturers, the costs of Chinese producers are much lower, with differences ranging in the low to mid-low double-digit percentage. We have been concentrating on clear contract manufacturing with a strong focus on process control.
  • Quality advantage: Only with an appropriate qualification of the supplier the production is released. During manufacture the products and, if so required, also the processes are monitored by us and prior to shipping the qualitative and quantitative implementation will be checked. Only if our customer agrees to the release, delivery will be executed. Drawings and other confidential documents are provided to the supplier only in anonymous form in order to ensure the best possible protection for your intellectual property rights (IPR). We represent your interests at all levels of the transaction’s execution.
  • Communication advantage: We speak both your language as well as the one of the Chinese supplier. This fact helps to create an open and at the same time
    engaging base for mutual trust, provides for clear conditions and, in case of disagreements, guarantees fast problem solutions. Our staff members are well aware of the cultural differences between European customers and Chinese suppliers and therefore will always hit all the right notes during negotiations.

Conclusion: There is substantial potential waiting in China for you as a purchaser. This potential you can easily exploit with the right assistance.

At Cisema we would be glad to be able to assist you to tap competitive advantages and new options for growth through smart purchasing. Contact us at +43 (0) 1 405 2952-00 or via e-mail.